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Why is IP Report not Working During Interactive Miner Add or Replace?

If you are pressing the IP Report button during Interactive Miner Add, but Pickaxe isn't finding your miners, it could be because your Windows Firewall is blocking the traffic between your miners and Pickaxe. To ensure that Windows Firewall doesn't interfere with your miner's ability to talk to Pickaxe, there are a couple of settings that we recommend changing on the computer running Pickaxe.

Configuring the Firewall

To get started, pull up the Windows Defender Firewall settings page from the Control panel on your computer.

Once you have the Windows Defender Firewall control panel open, select 'Advanced settings' from the side panel. This will launch a new pop-up window where you can modify rules for both inbound and outbound traffic through your firewall.

From this page, select 'Inbound Rules' from the left-hand pane and then click 'New Rule' from the Actions menu that appears on the right side of the screen. This will launch the New Inbound Rule Wizard in a new window.

When it asks what type of rule you would like to create, select the 'Port' options and then click the 'Next' button to proceed. This will bring you to the 'Protocols and Ports' page.

Check the boxes next to 'UDP' and 'All local ports' before clicking the 'Next' button. This will bring you to the screen where you can create your logic for new connections on your network.

Select 'Allow the connection' from the list of options and then click 'Next' to proceed to the Profile settings.

All three boxes on this page should be checked before moving on to the final section.

Finally, give your new rule a name and then click 'Finish' to close the Rule Wizard and save your new firewall rule.

If you are still experiencing difficulties with Interactive Miner Add after adjusting your firewall settings, please reach out to us at contact@obm.mn, and we would be happy to assist you.


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