Can I monitor my rentals on MiningRigRentals?

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If you rental your rigs out to buyers on MiningRigRentals, this guide covers how to monitor your rentals directly in Foreman.

One of the most popular features of Foreman, a fully-hosted miner management dashboard, is the ability to centralize mining devices and services onto a single platform. This provides cryptocurrency miners a mechanism to monitor their entire operation from a single place.

What does this get me?

The freedom to mine how you want:

  • Want to mix ASICs or FPGAs, HiveOS, smOS, and nvOC? Use them.
  • Want to rent your miners on MiningRigRentals? Rent them.
  • Want to sell your hash on NiceHash? Sell it.

And don’t feel plagued by having to check multiple sites to see if things are working. Foreman brings them together, alerts you as problems arise, shows revenue across all of your devices, and lets you do it from a single page.

The video below will provide you with the tools you need to easily monitor your miners listed on MiningRigRentals from your private, hosted dashboard.

If you're mining to MiningRigRentals from an ASIC device, you only need to follow the guide below up until the API keys are entered. You do not need to set the MRR Rig ID on each of your miners - that will be handled automatically when your ASICs sync with Foreman.



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