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Why are my Remote Commands failing?

This guide will help you identify what each failure means and guide you towards getting them addressed.

Through remote commands, Foreman provides the ability for users to remotely manage their cryptocurrency miners. The actions that can be performed include:

  • Change Pool/Stratum
  • Reboot
  • Factory Reset
  • Change Power Mode
  • Change Password
  • Assign Static IPs
  • Blink LEDs
  • Firmware Upgrade
  • Replace (locate button-based miner replace process)

The progress of your command will be displayed top-right on the dashboard:

Remote reboot command in progress.

When they're successful, it will be clear:

Remote reboot command finished.

There are situations when they'll fail, however.  This guide will help you identify what each failure means and guide you towards getting them addressed.

Command Status Breakdown

ConnectionTimeoutExceeded: connect timed out

Similar to Miner is unreachable (see further down).

Dispatch timed out

Typically, this message only appears when the server running Pickaxe is underpowered for the number of miners that you're monitoring. Pickaxe will check-in with the Foreman API every 30 seconds, attempting to obtain and run any commands that have been dispatched. If the command isn't started within 3 minutes of it being created, it will timeout, with a message of 'Dispatch timed out' being displayed.

To address this:

  • Restart Pickaxe and see if the error appears again.
  • Verify that the CPU usage on the computer running Pickaxe is no higher than 50%. If it is, consider moving Pickaxe to a different machine with more available CPU, or split your miners across multiple Pickaxes (example: rather than using 1 Raspberry Pi for 1,500 miners, use 2 Raspberry Pis with 750 miners each).
  • If you're running Pickaxe in a VM, allocate more threads to the VM.

Failed to login

This message is returned when the credentials entered on the miner in Foreman are incorrect and our agent is unable to authenticate with the miner.

To address this:

  • Verify that the username and password on the miner in Foreman are correct.  This would be under the Settings page of each miner.
:"],[0,[],0," below."]]],[1,"h3",[[0,[],0,"Failed to obtain a response from :"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"An error occurred while communicating with the miner, which caused the miner to not return a response to our agent."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"To address this:"]]],[3,"ul",[[[0,[],0,"Verify the miner is functioning properly (connected to the network)."]],[[0,[],0,"Verify the miner" style="box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px 0px 0.625rem;"

Failed to obtain a response

See Failed to obtain a response from <ip>:<port> below.

Failed to obtain a response from <ip>:<port>

An error occurred while communicating with the miner, which caused the miner to not return a response to our agent.

To address this:

  • Verify the miner is functioning properly (connected to the network).
  • Verify the miner's IP address in Foreman is correct.
  • Verify the miner's username and password in Foreman are correct.
  • If you're running under a VPN or experience network latency, go here and Configure your Pickaxe to use longer socket read and write times.

Firmware outdated or bad password

When communicating with a Whatsminer, the miner was found to either be using an old firmware or the username/password combination is incorrect.

To address this:

  • Verify the miner's username and password in Foreman are correct.
  • Verify that the miner is running a firmware version that's >= 202009.
  • Follow this guide.

Miner didn't respond

While attempting to determine the miner model, the miner was found to be unreachable. As a result of this, the desired action failed to be performed.

To address this:

  • Verify the miner is functioning properly (connected to the network).
  • Verify the miner's IP address in Foreman is correct.
  • Verify the miner's username and password in Foreman are correct.
  • If you're running under a VPN or experience network latency, go here and configure your Pickaxe to use longer read and write times.

Miner is unreachable

This message represents a situation where a command was issued against a miner, but the miner isn't accessible on the network. For a command to complete successfully, Pickaxe, our agent, needs to be able to connect it.

To address this:

  • Verify the miner is functioning properly (connected to the network).
  • Verify the miner's IP address in Foreman is correct.
  • Verify the miner's username and password in Foreman are correct.
  • If you're running under a VPN or experience network latency, go here and configure your Pickaxe to use longer read and write times.

Write API must be enabled

When communicating with a Whatsminer, the miner was found to have a closed API.  The API must be opened.

To address this:


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