Why won't my older Avalons update?

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Depending on the model of your Avalon miner, some configuration changes may be required so they can be monitored and managed by your team from your private Foreman dashboard.

Depending on the model of your Avalon miner, some configuration changes may be required so they can be monitored and managed by your team from your private Foreman dashboard.

New generation Avalons (models >= 1047) come with a new web interface and work flawlessly with Foreman right out of the box.  However, if your miner requires an AUC controller/Raspberry Pi with multiple miners chained together, the miner's API will need to be opened.

This guide covers how to re-configure the following models:

  • AvalonMiner 741
  • AvalonMiner 821
  • AvalonMiner 841
  • AvalonMiner 851
  • AvalonMiner 911
  • AvalonMiner 921
While you do not need to use Foreman to open the miner's API, we are currently the only system that provides a way to do this across thousands of miners at once. If you wish to do it manually, from the miner's web page, add --api-listen --api-allow W:,R:0/0 to the CGMiner Configuration, More Options field.

Adding Miners

To get started, first you'll need to scan in all of the miners that you wish to manage with our platform.  Assuming you've completed our installation guide and have Pickaxe online and running, click Find Miners and complete the prompt (be sure to fill in the correct IP range for your network):

Finding all of the Avalons on a network.

Once the scan completes, click Save on the following page and all of your miners will be added.

Opening the API

By default, all of your miners will appear as Pending.  Typically, it should take less than 2 minutes for them to changed to either OkayWarn, or Fail. If it takes longer than this, it could be because the API is closed and Foreman is unable to reach the miner.  By default, older generation Avalons come with a closed API, so this is expected behavior.

Pending Avalons.

To open the API, click Bulk Edit Miners, select the miners that are unable to be reached, and run an Open API command.

Starting the Bulk Edit action.
Opening the miner APIs.

Once you click Apply, a new window should open top-right where you can track the command's progress.  As soon as it shows Complete, your miners should appear online within a few minutes.

Miners are now online and reachable.



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