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How can I manage a customer's Foreman setup?

This guide covers how to manage multiple different, independent sites. This is a typical arrangement when a site is being operated by a contracted operations team.


To facilitate the management of a cryptocurrency mining farm, it's common for companies to hire a consultant to provide support for some aspects of the operation. From procurement to overseeing daily operations, a consultant can help establish and optimize how a farm performs.

How Foreman Helps

Foreman provides a single pane of glass for a consultant to remotely monitor and manage multiple farms at once.  Very similar to our colocation offering, a consultant and their team are given a single global dashboard where they can monitor all of their client's miners. Miners can also be grouped and allocated to private sub-dashboards, enabling each site to be managed by separate teams in isolation.

Consultant monitoring and management dashboard.

Getting Started

Create an Account

If you haven't done so already, you'll need to create an account with us. That only takes a second!

Create a Client

A client represents a customer or site that's being managed.  At the top of the page, click the Add Client button. Complete the form:

Enter the client that will be managed.

The page will refresh and now you'll have the option to move between dashboards (the global parent dashboard or the client).

Select which company to manage.

To begin configuring the company's operation, switch to their dashboard.

Install Foreman

From the sub-dashboard, the guide here will take you through the installation process. During this process, it's important that you provide the API key and Client ID from the client's dashboard. This will link the miners to their sub-account.

You'll know things worked when you see a Pickaxe appear here:

A brand new Pickaxe.


We recommend renaming this Pickaxe to the client's name. This will help differentiate them on the global parent dashboard.

Import Every Miner

Follow the guide here to run subnet scans and bulk import every miner in the client's facility:

Bulk ASIC import and name miners by worker name.

Once the scan is complete, Save and you should soon see them all appear online.

Configure the Client's Dashboard

Before inviting any users, create a custom role on the My Company page to minimize what they can do.  The following example allows a client to monitor their miners and their configurations while also allowing users to remotely reboot and change pools:

A sample custom role for a user.

Send them an invite and grant them access:

Sending an invite to the customer so they can access their private dashboard.

Now that you've successfully created a sub-dashboard for one of your clients, repeat this process, creating a new dashboard for each of your clients or farms that you're responsible for maintaining.

Configure the Global Dashboard

Now that there are sub-dashboards with client access, it's useful to customize the global parent dashboard so consultant operators can quickly see how things look. This allows maintenance personnel to quickly identify when a client's miners have gone offline or there was an unexpected hash rate drop.

Switch to the parent dashboard, enter the Page Builder, and re-configure the Hash Rate Graph to separate data points by client.  You can also add a Sub Client Hash Rate block to display client-specific hash rates clearly:

Re-configuring the hash rate block.

If you're looking to give non-admins on the account access to the sub-client dashboards, they'll need the 'Sub-Client Admin' permission under My Company. Once they're added, within 5 minutes, they'll be able to see the client dashboard drop-down at the top and can help administer their operation.

Operators do not need to be sub-client admins to monitor and manage customer miners. Without this permission, all of the devices will still be accessible and fully manageable from the global parent dashboard.  The 'Sub-Client Admin' permission is only required if a user should be allowed to view a customer's private dashboard.

Create a Trigger to Auto-Assign Client Ownership

Now that you have your clients created and permissioned, you can create a trigger to automatically assign new miners to clients based on a set criteria. Setting a client ownership trigger saves the effort of having to bulk edit and assign every time a new miner comes online for a client.

From your parent dashboard, enter the 'Alerts & Triggers' tab and click on the 'Add Trigger' button. In the example below, the trigger is set to auto-assign miners to client John anytime a new miner comes online in the Texas 1 facility in the IP Range that is specified.

Auto-assign Client Ownership


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