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How can I customize my dashboard?

This guide covers how to customize your dashboard.

The ability to quickly identify and resolve problems in your cryptocurrency mining farm is critical to maintaining profitability. Foreman brings all of your devices together on one platform, providing you with a central dashboard that you can use to oversee your operation.

However, everybody values different information. To address this, the Foreman dashboard is fully configurable, enabling you to customize what is displayed and where.

The video and guide below will provide you with the tools you need to design a dashboard that works perfectly for you.

1. Page Builder

To start customizing your dashboard, you’ll need to enable the Page Builder — this can be found on the bottom left of your Dashboard and Earnings pages.

2. Blocks

Once the Page Builder is active, you can add, remove, resize, and rearrange blocks as needed. Here are a few (very few) of the blocks that we provide:

  • Alert History (all of the alerts that are currently firing)
  • Bitcoin Per Day (how much you’re earning, daily, in BTC)
  • Coin Difficulty (current difficulty of any coin)
  • Coin Earnings (how many coins you’re mining hourly/daily)
  • Coin Value (current fiat value for a coin)
  • Current Hash Rate (your current, global hash rate)
  • Daily Algorithm Hash Rate (your 24 hour average hash rate for an algo)
  • Daily Maximum Hash Rate (your 24 hour maximum hash rate)
  • Daily Minimum Hash Rate (your 24 hour minimum hash rate)
  • Fiat Per Day (how much you’re earning, daily, in your local currency)
  • Global Health (status of your farm)
  • Hash Rate (24 hour graph of your hash rate per algorithm)
  • Miner Status (pie chart displaying your per-miner statuses)
  • Miner Types (pie chart displaying device types in your farm)

Additionally, some blocks are configurable. Example: many of the graphs can be modified to show a larger time window. To configure a specific block, click on the gear icon top-right on the block.

3. Saving Your Dashboard

Once you’re done editing, click Save Layout. If at any point you’d like to revert to the original dashboard layout, you can open the Page Builder and select Revert to Default.

A customized dashboard.

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