We're pleased to officially present Telegram Todd, our bot that delivers your miner health notifications directly to a shared Telegram channel or private DM!
Getting Started
To receive alerts via Telegram, you'll first need to re-configure your Foreman triggers. By default, all notifications are sent to your email address.

Notifications can be sent to any combination of the following:
- Discord
- Telegram

You'll also need to fetch your Foreman API credentials. Those can be found here:

Receiving Alerts via Direct Message
Once your triggers are configured to send alerts to Telegram, message Todd, our bot, and introduce yourself (https://t.me/ForemanToddBot).

After clicking on the Start button, Todd will ask you for your client ID and API key. You should have those handy from the Getting Started steps above:

If things were provided correctly, you should get a green check:

From here on out, depending on the triggers created in Foreman, Todd will let you know when things happen. To stop the alerts, send /forget.
Receiving Alerts in a Channel
To share alerts with your team, it's often useful to invite our bot to a shared channel. To do that, you'll have to invite him. When prompted, since he's a Bot, you'll also need to make him an admin:

Once he's invited, type /start. Todd will ask you for your client ID and API key. You should have those handy from the Getting Started steps above:

If things were provided correctly, you should get a green check. From here on out, depending on the triggers created in Foreman, Todd will let you know when things happen.
To stop the alerts, remove Todd from the channel.
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