Foreman integrates with some of the most popular mining pools to produce daily, weekly, or monthly reports covering your mining operation from the pool's perspective.
To promote transparency and alleviate bookkeeping overhead, Foreman integrates with some of the most popular mining pools to produce daily, weekly, or monthly reports covering your mining operation from the pool's perspective. This lets you track earnings without needing to continuously access to your pool. Instead, you'll receive an email automatically, at a frequency you define, containing statistics regarding your pool-side average hash rate, earnings, payout transactions, as well as coin network statistics (total network hash rate, difficulty, etc).
Additionally, for Full Pay Per Share (FPPS) pools, Foreman will also calculate the pool's payout rate, the network payout rate, and verify that things align. This helps catch dishonest pool providers or ones that are running the math incorrectly.
Receiving Pool Reports
First, you'll need to provide Foreman some authorization credentials, which allow our system to connect to your provider to obtain the information that goes into these reports. Those must be entered into the Mining Pool API Keys section here, but the information needed varies depending on the pool. The following guides outline how to configure things for each provider we support.
First, you'll need to login to your AntPool account. Once there, at the top, click More -> API.

On the next page, you'll click the Generate Key button.

Immediately save the Key and Secret values. The Secret value can never be recovered again. Once they're copied, click the Activate button to the right. The Secret will get replaced with "Hidden".

Head back to Foreman and go to your My Company page. Click Add Key under the Mining Pool API Keys section and select AntPool. For Username, enter your sub-account (typically the left side of the first '.' in your miner's worker name). The Key and Secret values must be filled in with the values that were copied from AntPool after the Generate Key button was pressed. Press the Save button at the bottom of the page.

You need to add a separate Mining Pool API Key for each sub-account you want Foreman to audit. They can all share the same Key and Secret, but each will have a different Username.
Login to your pool account. From the Pool Dashboard, at the top, click Settings -> API KEY.

On the next page, you'll need to copy and save the PUID and Access Key values.

Head back to Foreman and go to your My Company page. Click Add Key under the Mining Pool API Keys section and select For Username, enter the PUID value. For Key, enter the Access Key. Press the Save button at the bottom of the page.

You need to add a separate Mining Pool API Key for each sub-account you want Foreman to audit. Each one will have a different Username (PUID) and Key (Access Key).
Now you can go to Reports and enroll in the Report. Click the 'Add Report' button and complete the dialog.

Foundry USA Pool
Login to your Foundry pool account. From the dashboard, click the "Sub-Accounts" link on the left side.

From the sub-accounts list, click the "Links & API" green paperclip next to the sub-account that you'd like Foreman to query.

You'll need to create a "Financial API Key". Click the corresponding tab, name the key something that you'll remember (example: foreman), and then click "Create". Copy the API key as it's provided. The structure should look something like this: 5bb418a9-7642-45da-8a0e-c4192424cabc

Head back to Foreman and go to your My Company page. Click Add Key under the Mining Pool API Keys section and select Foundry USA Pool. For Username, enter your sub-account (typically the left side of the first '.' in your miner's worker name). For Key, enter the Foundry API Key that you generated. Press the Save button at the bottom of the page.

Repeat this process for every sub-account you wish to monitor.
Login to your Luxor pool account. From the dashboard, click the settings (wrench) icon top-left.

On the next page, select API Keys on the left. There, you'll have the option to Generate new key. We recommend that you name it Foreman. Copy the Key that it creates.

Head back to Foreman and go to your My Company page. Click Add Key under the Mining Pool API Keys section and select Luxor. For Username, enter your sub-account (typically the left side of the first '.' in your miner's worker name). For Key, enter the Luxor API Key that you generated. Press the Save button at the bottom of the page.

You need to add a separate Mining Pool API Key for each sub-account you want Foreman to audit. Each one will have a different username (Luxor sub-account name), but can use the same Luxor key.
Now you can go to Reports and enroll in the Luxor Report. Click the 'Add Report' button and complete the dialog.
Login to your Poolin account. From the dashboard, on the left side, click Sub-account Manage.

On the next page, next to the sub-account that you'd like Foreman to audit, click Other Settings. From there, you'll need to create a new watcher link. We recommend that you name it Foreman. Be sure to check both the Worker and Earnings boxes.

Once you click Create, you'll be given a new watcher link. Copy it and paste it into a text document. You'll need to extract two pieces of information from it: the puid and the token.
As an example, assuming a watcher link of:
The puid would be 1234567 and the token would be dG9rZW5kc2Zhc2RmYXNkZnNhZGZzYWZkc2FkZnNhZGZzYWRmc2FmYXNmZGFzZGZk.
Head back to Foreman and go to your My Company page. Click Add Key under the Mining Pool API Keys section and select Poolin. For Username, enter the puid. For Key, enter the token. Press the Save button at the bottom of the page.

You need to add a separate Mining Pool API Key for each sub-account you want Foreman to audit. Each one will have a different username (Poolin sub-account puid) and Key (tokens).
Now you can go to Reports and enroll in the Poolin Report. Click the 'Add Report' button and complete the dialog.

Login to your ViaBTC account. From the dashboard, enter the Mining Settings.

On the next page, scroll all the way to the bottom. There, you'll see an API Key section. Click Check next to the Secret Key. This will begin the key creation process.
Once you're through the authentication process, you'll be presented with an API Key and a Secret Key. You must save both of these values.

Next, you'll need to add one of our servers to the API IP whitelist. From the API Key section, click Change next to IP whitelist. Once you're through the authentication process, add the IP address as indicated in the picture below (our task server responsible for querying pool providers):

Head back to Foreman and go to your My Company page. Click Add Key under the Mining Pool API Keys section and select ViaBTC. For Username, enter your sub-account (typically the left side of the first '.' in your miner's worker name). For Key and Secret, enter the ViaBTC API Key and Secret Key that you generated. Press the Save button at the bottom of the page.

You need to add a separate Mining Pool API Key for each sub-account you want Foreman to audit. Each one will have a different username (ViaBTC sub-account name) and different API and Secret Keys.
Now you can go to Reports and enroll in the ViaBTC Report. Click the 'Add Report' button and complete the dialog.

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