What is the Power Report showing?

  • Updated

A deep dive into the Foreman Power Report and what each attribute means.

Whether you're looking to generate invoices for hosted customers or keeping tabs on the effectiveness of your cryptocurrency mining operation, Foreman provides the ability to automatically generate daily, weekly, and monthly Power Reports. These reports include:
  • Average miner uptime
  • Total power draw
  • Total power cost

For hosts or users with sub-dashboards, it will also include all of the statistics above, broken down by client and miner.  To help with analysis, a CSV is included with each report.

Adding a new report.

Users can enroll in this report here and they're automatically delivered either daily, weekly, or monthly depending on the frequency you specify:

A sample power report for a demo hosting account. Similar power draw and uptime, but each customer is assigned a different cost per kWh.

Power Report Legend

Overview: Average Uptime

Foreman tracks uptime on a 5-minute basis (the window).  If a miner checks into the dashboard and reports a hash rate greater than 0 at least once within 5 minutes, that miner is considered to be online. If the miner doesn't report within 5 minutes or it's only observed with a hashrate of 0, it is considered offline.

In the future, the definition of online will be configurable, with options to define it as either 1) hash rate greater than 0, or 2) miner is consuming power.

Currently, uptime is calculated as:

uptime = (num_windows_hashing / num_windows_per_day) * 100

Overview: Power Draw

Foreman calculates the daily power draw per miner by summing the miner's average power draw for each hour of the day. The average power draw per hour is calculated by taking the average draw from each 5-minute window:

daily_draw_per_miner = sum([hourly_5_minute_power_draw_average])

We make the following assumptions:

  • For miners that report their consumption (most new generation miners), we group and average the consumption by hour.
  • For miners that don't report their consumption, we use the manufacturer specified power draw as a base, but adjust it relative to the miner's performance, active hash boards, and fans.
  • For windows where the miner was offline, we assume a power draw of 0 W.

Overview: Power Cost

For dashboards where there is only one client, the cost per kWh is obtained from the client where the report was added.  For dashboards where sub-clients are present, the cost per kWh is obtained from each sub. Regardless of the configuration, the cost per kWh is configurable here.

daily_cost_per_miner = daily_draw_per_miner * miner_owner_cost_per_kwh

Client Stats

Per-client power statistics are only provided when sub-dashboards are being used. When present, the cost per kWh is obtained from the client that owns the miner.

Example: if there are two sub-dashboards, Facility A and Customer A, with Customer A owning the miner that's hosted at Facility A, the cost per kWh will be taken from Customer A's power settings here.

Raw Value CSV

Each report contains a link to a CSV providing a daily breakdown of each miner. The header is formatted as follows:


For each day covered by the report, additional <date>_uptime,<date>_power_draw,<date>_power_cost columns will be included.

A sample report can be viewed here.


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