How do I participate in FCR-D with Sympower?

  • Updated

This guide will detail how to add a Sympower resource to Infrastructure and associate it with the locations on your Site Map.

Adding the Sympower Resource to Infrastructure

First, you must add an item to the Infrastructure tab for the Sympower Resource (Attribute). This will allow you to upload associations with locations on your Site Map in the next step.

Associating the Sympower Resource with Locations on Your Site Map

Now that you have added an item to Infrastructure for your Sympower Resource, you can start associating it with your Site Map locations. Click 'Upload Associations' at the top of the Infrastructure screen. Select 'Sympower Resource - Sympower Resource' from the dropdown list, then download your CSV template file.

Filling Out the Associations CSV File

To ensure a successful upload of your CSV, some required headers must be included in your CSV file. These include Name, Association Type, Association Name, Identifier, Location Row, and Location Index.
The 'Name' column will be the name you entered when creating the Sympower Resource item on the Infrastructure tab. For our example, we've named it "Sympower Resource." Since you want to associate the Sympower Resource with individual locations on your Site Map, enter "Location" under the 'Association Type' column. Next, enter the Site Map group name you want to associate miners to under the 'Association Name' column. In the 'Identifier' column, you will enter an identifier that combines your Sympower group with your Sympower resource.
For every transformer, there should be one unique group. Within each group, you should further divide into 100kW resources. For example, if there's 1 transformer with 1 MW of load, you would have 1-1 all the way up to 1-10. Lastly, the 'Location Row' and 'Location Index' columns are where you will specify the position on the rack you'd like to associate the Sympower Resource to.
Once your CSV has been filled out with all the information necessary for your associations, click 'Choose File,' select your CSV, and click 'Upload' to complete the process.

Viewing Associations in Site Map

If all information was input correctly on your uploaded CSV, you will now have the ability to filter and view portions of your Site Map based on Identifier.
On the Infrastructure tab, click the 'Actions' button on your Sympower Resource and select 'View in Site Map' from the dropdown menu. Select which Identifier you would like to filter by and then press 'Go' to be taken to your Site Map. Your Site Map will then open in a new window with your selected Identifier highlighted on your Site Map.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please email us at, and we would be happy to assist you.

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