How do I add and associate APDUs using the Infrastructure feature?

  • Updated

This article will detail in-depth how to add APDUs to your Infrastructure tab and associate them with your Site Map.

Associating APDUs requires you first to have a completed Site Map in Foreman. You can check out our instructional guide here for details on creating a Site Map.

Uploading Multiple APDUs to Infrastructure at Once

If you have more than one APDU, you can perform a CSV upload to add them to Infrastructure in a single operation.

From the Infrastructure tab on the left panel of Foreman, click the 'Upload Infrastructure' button and select 'PDU - APDU Smart PDU' from the dropdown list. You'll see that an option to download a CSV template file has now appeared. This file will contain your existing Smart PDUs if you added some previously. Otherwise, it will be blank if this is your first time adding Smart PDUs.


Enter the details of the APDU Smart PDUs into the CSV file, ensuring that you enter data in the Name, Pickaxe Key, IP, Port, and SNMP Community String columns. The 'Port' value is typically 161, and the SNMP Community String is usually 'public.' Accuracy at this step is critical because your upload will only be successful if you have data entered for each of these five columns.


Once you've checked your CSV file for accuracy, you can upload it to Foreman. Click Choose File' from the window you downloaded the template file and select your completed CSV file. Next, click the 'Upload' button to finish the process. Your Infrastructure page will now be populated with the APDU Smart PDUs from your file.

Infrastructure Screen Populated

Now that you've populated your Infrastructure screen, you're ready to start associating your APDUs with locations on your Site Map.

Associating APDUs with Your Site Map

To associate your newly added APDUs with locations on your Site Map, click 'Upload Associations' at the top of the Infrastructure screen. Select 'PDU - APDU Smart PDU' from the dropdown list, then download your CSV template file.
Upload Associations Smart APDUs
Similar to uploading Infrastructure, some required headers must be included in your CSV file for a successful upload. These include Name, Association Type, Association Name, Identifier, Location Row, and Location Index. When associating APDUs, the 'Identifier' column must be filled out with the number of ports your APDU has, from 1 to 24, since most APDUs have 24 ports.
There are three different options for associating APDUs with your Site Map. You can associate by the Site Map Group name, the Site Map Rack name, or the Miner Location Rack name. Depending on your desired Association Type, you'll enter Group, Rack, or Location in your CSV's 'Association Name' column.
Finally, if you chose 'Location' as your association type, you must enter information for both 'Location Row' and 'Location Index.' These variables will indicate the miner's position within the rack you specified on your Site Map.

The example below shows a completed CSV for an APDU that has 9 ports.


Upload Associations CSV screenshot
Once your CSV has been filled out with all the information necessary for your associations, click 'Choose File,' select your CSV, and click 'Upload' to complete the process.

Consumption Stats from Your Miners

Once your APDUs have been added to Infrastructure for 5 minutes, you will be able to view their current stats in Foreman. Click the 'Actions' button attached to your APDU on the Infrastructure screen and select 'View Current Stats' from the dropdown menu.

If you see stats, they are connected. Another place to check if a particular APDU is correctly mapped is to go to the Site Map and select the 'Choose Infrastructure' option.

APDU Functionally and Power Draw

Once you've successfully associated your APDUs with Site Map locations in Foreman, new functionality will be enabled on your Miners page.
When you click the 'Actions' button on one of your miners, you'll see an option to 'Toggle PDU Port' on the dropdown list. Flipping this switch on and off allows you to perform a hard reboot on your miners or hard power them off if necessary. This function can also be performed via the 'Bulk Edit Miners' function.
Toggle PDU Port Option
After you've associated your APDUs with your rack positions, you can view the power draw from the miner in the associated position by navigating to the Miners page and clicking 'Actions' and then 'Settings.' When the green 'Active' indicator appears under the Power Draw reading, your miner is reporting consumption stats from the APDU. If you ever need to return Power Draw to the default, you can do so by clicking 'Revert to Default.'

If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to email us at, and we would be happy to assist you.




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