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How to create a custom diagnosis field for a ticket

1. Navigate to https://dashboard.foreman.mn/dashboard/


2. Click the "Guy with the Tie" Icon


3. Click "Settings" in the drop down.


4. Click on the "TICKETS" tab on the settings page


5. Navigate to the Custom Diagnosis Fields section and Click on the "Add Diagnosis"


6. Click in the blank text field and enter the name of the Custom diagnosis.


7. Click "Save"


8. Go to the Tickets page on the left navigation and Click "Tickets"


9. Click "Add Ticket" on the Tickets page


10. Click on the Diagnosis Drop Down and scroll down to the newly created custom diagnosis.


11. In this example we created a "Test1" custom diagnosis on the Tickets Settings Tab within the Setting page. Now it appears on the Add Ticket Modal on the Tickets page.


+ You can add your new custom diagnosis to an existing ticket by clicking on edit within the existing ticket on the Tickets page


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