How To Disable a Miner Record

  • Updated

If you have a miner that will be offline for an extended period, disabling the miner record lets Pickaxe know not to expect that miner on the network until it is re-enabled.

Before we get started: This guide applies to disabling the Miner record only. If you have access to our enhanced Inventory and Asset Management feature, your guides for full asset lifecycle management can be found here.


Disabling Miners

1. Navigate to

2. Click the Actions button of the miner you wish to disable.How to Disable Miner Records - Step 3.png


3. Click 'Disable' on the drop-down menu.

How to Disable Miner Records - Step 4.png

4. Confirm you wish to disable the miner records to complete the process.

How to Disable Miner Records - Step 5.png

The above process covers how to disable a single miner record at a time, but multiple miners can be disabled at once via the Bulk Edit feature.

Enabling Miners

1. The process for enabling miners so they can be monitored by Pickaxe again is the exact same as above, you will just click 'Enable' instead of 'Disable.' Alternately, you can toggle the 'Automatically Enable Matched Disabled Miners' slider on your recurring re-sync scan to automate this process when miners return to service. More info on this can be found here.

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