Foreman recommends using the replace miner flow so that the linked asset will transfer to the new miner. Here are the steps to do this:
1. On the Miner's table, find the miner and go to Actions button.
2. Select 'Settings'.
3. Scroll down to the State field and select 'In Repair'.
4. Click 'Confirm'.
5. And then hit 'Save'.
6. When the miner is ready to come back to the shelf, go back to the 'Settings' in Actions.
7. Select 'Replace'.
8. Click 'Skip and Add Manually'.
9. Enter the details of the miner.
10. Toggle the switch to 'Re-link Asset to New Miner'. This will transfer the linked asset to the new miner.
11. Click 'Next'.
12. Select what you want to do with the current miner.
13. Then hit 'Replace'.
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