How to set up low inventory notifications when adding a new inventory item.

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1. Navigate to begin adding an inventory item

Please note +The inventory type field needs to be inputted on the Inventory settings page prior to adding an item on the inventory page.

Listed below is the link to the inventory settings page - once you access the URL listed below you will then need to click on the Inventory tab and navigate to the inventory item field in order to add the inventory type.


2. After you have successfully navigated to the Inventory page, Click "Add Item" on the inventory page. This is located in the upper right corner of the page.


3. A pop up modal will appear after you have clicked on the add item button. Click the "Name" field and Name your inventory part.


4. Click the "Quantity" field and set the amount. Quantity is total supply you have in stock for the inventory part you are adding.


5. Click the "Notification Amount" field. This the minimum supply of the part you are adding in order to receive a notification.


6. Click "-- Enter or Choose A Location --" - this is the location where the part is located.


7. Click the "Manufacturer" field. Input the name of the manufacturer of the part you are adding to inventory.


8. Click "Save" - this will save the part you just inputted and it will now show on the inventory page.


9. Depending on your permission level, you can click on the "guy with the tie" icon (upper right corner) to go to settings.

10. Click "Settings" in the dropdown

11. Click "INVENTORY" - this tab is located within the settings page and will take you to the inventory related settings.


12. Navigate to the Low Inventory Notification Emails section within the inventory settings tab to add or remove emails that will receive the low inventory notifications. You (or someone else) will be notified once the quantity of the part reaches the threshold number (refer to the notification amount you inputted in Step 5). The purpose of the notification is to let you know that the part has reached it's threshold and you should restock the item.


13. Click "Save" at the bottom of the inventory settings page. This will save any changes you have made to the low inventory section of the inventory settings page.

14. You have now successfully set up a low inventory notification for a newly created inventory item


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